Do you want to start your teaching career?

The Early Childhood Pathway program assists you in getting training and credentials to be a highly qualified Early Educator. Battle Creek early childhood businesses are struggling to find qualified employees. There are many entry-level ECE job opportunities in the area, with access to earn credentials while working.
Who is eligible: Must be 18 years or older, living or working in Battle Creek with a desire to work with children birth to five years of age.
What: The goal is for each participant to complete the entry-level credential – Child Development Associate (CDA)
Why: To start your career in early childhood education. The CDA credential assesses Early Childhood Educators by using several sources of evidence, including an exam, observation and a professional portfolio. In earning a CDA, an educator has opportunities for career advancement, higher wages, and professionalism.
When: Start at any time. Work at your own pace. Average time to finish CDA is 8-9 mos.
Where: This can be done in your own home or workplace. Everything can be provided online with option of in person, if desired.
How: Call or email the Early Childhood Pathway Navigator to set up a time to get information and get enrolled in Pathway program.
For More Information
Lisa Farrell, Early Childhood Pathway Navigator